vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012


Every single piece means something, but they aren't complet without eachother. They can be on their own, but it's always better to be together. They might say they don't need, don't want, but deep inside...they die, if they don't have. Maybe they can survive, they can be happy sometimes, they can have fun and they can shine, but they'll never be what they could have been and never feel so intense like they could...this means they're incomplete and what can be worse than this? To run to nowhere, to have no purpose, no pleasure, no thoughts, no love, no anger, no happiness...nothing.

Stupid stupid stupid. There's no point in being vain, no point in being proud if this means to let it go, never look back and just forget...if this means you are incomplete.

You aren't tough if you can't say what you think of feel...and you're a coward if you think that it's better for them not to know just find excuses for your point in being powerful, popular and respected by everyone, when you're not respected and the best for the one.

luni, 28 noiembrie 2011

For me you are an enigma

Don't need you to tell me what i'm gonna do. Don't need your support. Don't need your pieces of advice. Don't need your phone calls. Don't need your regrets. Don't need your apologizes. Don't need your love. Don't need your care. Don't need your tenderness. Don't need you. Big enough, strong enough. Go away or stay, for me it's the same ...

miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2011

72 hours

She's dead. Never gonna forget her, never wanted to, never gonna forget the day she died, sometimes wanted to. She's dead, he's dead too. The future's bright. The past is accepted. The present is lived. Don't care. Don't see. Don't ask. Don't answer. Don't hear. Don't call.
See only what wanna see. Be only what wanna be.

miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011

Fuck, yeah !

Lately i feel so fuckin' good...i'm much more confident and things are going so well...even the little things that make me yell are funny in the end. And the attached video gives me strenght and makes me feel alive and's just perfect !

vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

Regrets and mistakes and memories made

Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

I don't know many things, I'm not smart enough, I get into trouble, i do shitty things, i do mistakes, i push people away even if i need them...i'm not even close to perfection...i'm a totally mess, but i am who i am and this is probably the only thing i'm not gonna change cuz i may want to change some parts at me, but the essence will always remain the same...why? it's simple : cuz if i change the essence, i won't be me ever again, i won't have a personality, thoughts and opinions...i'll be just a lost person, with no soul. I regret so many things that sometimes i just wanna start a new life...and when i think about it, at the meaning of a new life, i have second thoughts and think that if i didn't get through so many things and mistakes, i wouldn't be tough now and i wouldn't be able to face the reality that comes. Too bad that there is this mentality of humans , to gossip about everything and to give a shit about you...they don't care at all about you and your life, they know nothing about you, oh, but they love to gossip and to criticise every single thing, without knowing the reason for which you did that thing. And this is why, no matter what you do, you have to keep your head straight and give a shit about gossips, to fuck everyone who messes with you, to stop carring about what people may think about a specific thing. In the end, you die with you and yourself, no one why to worry about something?

joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Fara titlu

... Viata asta e ca jointul ajuns la filtru-de cate ori tre' sa mai tragi ca sa te frigi ca tampitu'? ...

Toti suntem pioni. Dar oare noi gravitam in jurul jocului sau jocul graviteaza in jurul nostru?

Fiecare pion are traseul lui si tinta unde trebuie sa ajunga. Unii ajung mai greu, altii mai repede. Unii au mai multe obstacole, altii mai putine. Cert este ca fiecare pion, are la randul lui, ocazii pe care le rateaza si greseli pe care le face-mai mult sau mai putin voluntare. Si in tot acest traseu ne lovim de fel si fel de pioni care ne influenteaza. Unii devin companioni, altii devin doar piese intr-un joc din a caror experienta invatam, din a caror comportament alegem caracteristici de care sa ne ferim sau, dimpotriva, sa le cautam la alti pioni.

Trist e traseul care te face indiferent. Trist e traseul care iti deschide ochii prea mult si vezi lucruri pe care, desi le stiai, nu vroiai sa le cunosti. Trist e traseul care te face rece, mai rece decat ti-ai fi putut imagina vreodata.

Pentru traseul asta exista companionii care, indiferent ca-ti arata partile proaste sau bune, sunt acolo cand cazi   si-a 2-a oara.

miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011

Racing cars

Discutiile de dinainte. Sfaturi. Modalitati de manevrare. Ajungi la linia de start. Ambalezi motorul ... iti vin in minte toate ideile si sfaturile, dar nu tii cont de toate. Iti faci o idee proprie despre cum sa conduci astfel incat sa ajungi primul la linia de sosire. Vrei sa fii primul care ajunge acolo, dar nu esti sigur ca o sa pleci primul, desi, este evident ca asta vrei-asa nu ai avea obstacole si ti-ar fii mult mai usor.
Se da startul-esti primul care pleaca.
Nu te uiti in urma decat putin, la inceput, sa vezi daca te ajunge.
Drumul e liber, devii stapan pe tine.
Te simti din ce in ce mai bine ... Esti aproape de finish.
